5 best cars for racing in GTA Online, ranked (2024)

Publish date: 2024-06-10

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Online has a huge player base with varied interests. While some engage in story missions, others like to run illegal businesses. However, there are also those who love the spirit of competition and frequently participate in multiplayer races. Even in this regard, Rockstar Games has provided a ton of options that range from traditional races to exciting stunt races.

The best fit for racing is cars that are a great combination of high speed and maneuverability. Luckily, there is no shortage of such vehicles in the game. Here is a ranked list of the five best cars for racing in GTA Online.

Benefactor LM87 and 4 other best cars for racing in GTA Online, ranked

5) Dewbauchee Vagner

Dewbauchee Vagner's design, inspired by the Aston Martin Valkyrie, Jaguar C-X75, and the Nio EP9, is quite impressive. It was added way back in 2017 but is still among the best cars for racing in GTA Online to this day.

This is courtesy of its excellent top speed and good handling. According to performance tests conducted by Grand Theft Auto YouTuber, Broughy1322, Vagner's top speed is 126.75 mph or 203.98 km/h. It also accelerates very quickly, which is an added bonus.

Along with that, this car is rather easy to maneuver, with its handling rated 91.69 out of 100 on Rockstar Games' official website. Those interested in the Dewbauchee Vagner can buy it from Legendary Motorsport for $1,535,000.

4) Benefactor LM87

The Benefactor LM87 is a race car in every way. Its design is very reminiscent of a typical Formula 1 car and is a combination of the Sauber Mercedes C9 and the Mercedes-Benz C11. It is, in fact, faster than the Dewbauchee Vagner and handles significantly better.

At its fastest, the LM87 can go at 128.50 mph or 206.80 km/h in GTA Online. It even has a better acceleration rating than the Vagner on Rockstar's official website along with a perfect handling score of 100.

Purchasing the Benefactor LM87 costs $2,915,000, and it is available on Legendary Motorsport. Players can use GTA Online money glitches to gather such funds.

3) Grotti Itali GTO Stinger TT

Added to GTA Online as part of the San Andreas Mercenaries update, the Grotti Itali GTO Stinger TT is one of the newest cars in the game. However, even in such a short time, it has managed to become one of the more popular options among players

While its handling is rated lower than both Dewbauchee Vagner and Benefactor LM87, the Stinger TT is much faster, thanks to a great top speed of 132.00 mph or 212.43 km/h. This goes up to 168.50 mph or 271.17 km/h if HSW upgrades are installed.

This Ferrari Roma inspired Stinger variant costs $2,380,000 on Legendary Motorsport. Unfortunately, the original Stinger has been removed from the game but might return in GTA 6.

2) Overflod Entity MT

The Overflod Entity MT is an ultra-modern Super Car based on Koenigsegg Jesko's 2021 model. It debuted in GTA Online in December 2022 and is available on Legendary Motorsport for $2,355,000. Although that is quite an expensive price tag, the Entity MT is worth getting.

This is mainly due to its excellent top speed of 131.25 mph or 211.23 km/h, upgradable to 150.50 mph or 242.21 km/h via HSW upgrades. Additionally, Rockstar Games has given its handling a score of 100 on its website, making it a great choice for races.

1) Grotti Itali RSX

The Grotti Itali RSX is arguably the best car for racing in GTA Online. It is an extremely stylish sports car based on the Ferrari SF90 Stradale and handles just as well as the Overflod Entity MT.

However, it is Itali RSX's blazing fast top speed of 135.30 mph or 217.74 km/h that gives it an edge over the previous entry. In fact, this is among the best in the entire game.

The Grotti Itali RSX costs a whopping $3,465,000 on Legendary Motorsport. That said, players can unlock the Trade Price of $2,598,750 by returning Moodymann to the Music Locker.

Poll : How often do you participate in GTA Online races?

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5 best cars for racing in GTA Online, ranked (2024)


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While the Grotti Itali GTO remains the likely best on most tracks, it's also possible to be competitive with an Ocelot Pariah, Penaud La Coureuse, Grotti Itali RSX and Vysser Neo. Take your pick!

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GTA 5 fastest cars by top speed
CarTop SpeedLocation
BF Weevil Custom221kphBenny's Original Motor Works
Ocelot Pariah218kphLegendary Motorsport
Grotti Itali RSX217kphLegendary Motorsport
Pfister 811213khpLegendary Motorsport
6 more rows
Aug 19, 2024

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GTA Online: Best Cars and Vehicles to Buy and Own
  • GTA Online: Best Cars and Vehicles to Buy and Own. 1.1. Akula. 1.2. Buzzard Attack Chopper. 1.3. Cargobob. 1.4. Karin Kuruma (Armored) 1.5. Nightshark. 1.6. Oppressor Mk II. 1.7. Terrorbyte. 1.8. Vigilante.
  • GTA Online: How to Buy Cars and Vehicles.


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.