The Daily Telegraph from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

1 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1918. 11 Professions, Trades, Tire liven (14 words), four lines words), A for the following positions for invited by the Hunter purpose Are Street, Hydney; or from Clerks of Petty obtainable the Office the in Country Districts, and abould reach the later than the date specified. in terma Public Service Act, suitable applicants already manently employed In the Publie Service will receive Brat.

rondderation in the filling of permanent OFFICER (Mate), Branch. ment of Public Instruction. Salary, 4500 ordinary mediend of a School Medical (Professional Division). Duties (no treatment). applicant's be utilined mainly in the metropolitan Na "DENTIST, Medical Branch, Department Publia private practice allowed.

(Zed c10 per candidate will he required to attend at the School Dental Clinic, Rydney, Dre half daze a week, half day to consist of hours. (2rd Competitive Examination for adminion to the Publis Serrion (a) Junior Clerks (Male and Female), (b) Cadets (Survey and Architectural), will be held concurrently with the Intermediate and leaving Certificate Examination in November next Commencing salaries for males 260 per annum (Inter mediate), 4'100 per aunum (Junior ('lerke, Lenving Verper annum (Cadet Draftsmen, Certitute), with Females, annual 280 incrementa annim up to per annum: and for per and 470 per annum (Leaving Certifeate), with annual Increments up to CANS per annum, mablect to naval conditions. Full particulars as to subjects, conditions, from the undersigned. (14th October.) he in terms Section of Mection 44 of the Service Act, 1908, and 3 of the Amend. Ing Act.

1905. (08-31) R. A. Secretary, COOL STANCE, TOP FLACE on every goossion for nine years in Examinations of the Institute of Incorporated Accountants of New South Wales, Such record and clearly shows the of superiority of Stott Hoare's method teaching. Only conscientious, Individual Instruction could achieve such remarkable resulta abown SECTION9 PASSES, Including TOP PLACE.

the nine ecaminationa held in this section during past our TOr ON INTERMEDIATE SECTION (Accounts)1 P'ASH, INTERMEDIATE SECTION PASSES. FINAL 'NECTION (Acrounta) 3 PASSES, Including TOP PLACE FINAL. SECTION (Law) PASSES, Including TOP PLACE In the FIVE Sections our Studenta secured THREE TOP PLACES, and of the Candidates presented by 14 were successful. Karol with the College that can guare antee you success. ALL -HALF DAY--EVENING AND CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION.

Individual Attention Given to Students STOTT AND ROARE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, "Hemtugton House, Liverpool Street, Hyde Park, SYDNEY. 4000 POSITION AVAILABLE A FOR YOU I Tru -any young man or Woman 14 gain the threshold of tricht and splendid IN opportunitica hit and seating proceeding A forthwith to obtain the SPECIAL DEFINITE PURPOSE LIFE, TRAINING needed. There is room and to spare for at Sularies, Good Solid John, Influential WAITING! Why not decide NOW? Our will tell you; Bow to become a Shire Engineer. Unse 14 become an Electrical Engineer. flow to 4 Wireless Operator.

How 10 become a Telegraph Operator. be herome a Professional Journalist. How 1. herome a Story Writet, llow become Freelance. 11 to a bool Tracher.

to a Sanitary Inspector. Mate to become a Ancestal Builder. 11aw become Commercial Mustrator. Now to herome a Mechanical Draftsman. How to become Qualited Surveyor, 114 home a Accountant.

1. we to an Repert Bookkeeper. tr became a Government Employee. Nor to become a Shire Clerk. How to become Show Card Designer, etc.

Write NOW. while FOR are KEEN about It. Inquiry among your friends will put you in with Ntott Students, Their Write NOW. while FOR are KEEN about It. Inquiry among your friends will put you in with Ntott Students, Their advice will be to get started AT ONCE COLLEGE (The Oricinal Stott), Falmouth Chamber, 117 Pitt Street, Sydner.

BOTS He ran do with two or three well eduested, to learn the Softgoods bustarsa, Preferably those frat leavlug school. Apply HENRY BULL AND CO. I.TD., 111 York Street. Splendid opportunities for Nose to learn the Drapery Wages, week to start. W.


Bourbe Waterloo. BAN wage. Plenty overtime. GENERAL Permanent. BLACKSMITH.

Start diately, AlMO BUTCHER. deliver in shop, 1111 slaughtering. Wage P'ermanent. MUST RE GOD BANDSMAN. Reply kly HAND SECRETARY, (nolamon.

LOW AND PAY. I.TD.. THE BIG BOOT BLOCK. Pitt and Liverpool Streets, Roper GiRl, about 14 sears of tar Broadway Brand aN Apprentice to Sals. Apply after 0.30 Lo Mr.

Jenkin, Pitt Street. BOUT work. TRADE: Met um Wantal, gar Short Machinists, Redfer. for Tweed BOYS wanted JOHN for. ANDREW departments.

P'rinters ani Stationers, Phillip Stret. -We have Vacancy for 14 Land just leaving whool. Good opportunity to learn profession. Apply IDES PHOTO. 727 George St.

upp. Railway, AL. good wages; 10 work Saturday. 57 wanted, IN Victoria to 20 yeurs. Peters, Apply Central Brick BI Pastor wanted.

Apply Overseer, Town Hall, BUSINES EDUCATION. FREE. ROTES DE SINES COLLEGE EXAMJAMUN will be meld on SATURDAY, Detober 26th, 3015. A TUTS, SCHOLARSHIP entities the Winner to a FREE Thelve Months' Complete Business Coune, value 221. Lavellent Preitione aradable at the end of the Course.

Call ur Write for Entry Form delay, STOTT'S BUSINESS COLLIE, (Stott and Underwood), 20 PITY STREET. BOND SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS. (Admirably adapted to Tuition by Mull. THE BAIRD-BOND BHOUTHAND Daking House, Rawson P'lace. Branches at CASINO, and Litanow.


and per quurter of 13 Weeks STUDENT of BOTH NICK EN can Join any day. DAILY PRACTICE on VARIOUS TYPEWRITERS EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION. 218 Pit St. 'Phone, City A219. W.

M. FAIRLAND. Are. A WIRELESS OPERATOR. Join SPECIAL MILITARY CLANS and equip pourelt tu enlial in Lechnleal unit, YOU will will be helping the EMPIRE, and at the mum time be equipping yourself to necupy position as WIRELENS OPERATOR In elvil life the conclusion of bontilities, when Further radio- will have full away.

on application. THE SUPERINTENDENT, MARCONI SCHOOL OF WIRELESS. OT CLARENCE STREET, SYDNEY, 'Phone, City 4255. from the mort Street Professions, Trades, Ete. Certificated Accountants on the staf.

Metropolitan Attention from expert; Business Pitt Street. Tuition in DOORKEEPINO. F. Render, Accountant, 114 Hunter ur. Macq.

5. COMMON WEALTH of Or Trade and Customs, AUSTRALIA Department Melbourne, Pth September, 1918. APPLICATIONS are invited for the Position of ENGINE DRIVER on the Quarantine Launch at Darwin. The appointment will be made under exemption provisions of the Public Hervice Act. Applications, stating ago, qualifications, experience with marine engines, and tropilcal experience, should be lodged with the Director of Quarantine, 51 Spring Street, Melbourne, on or before 95th 1918.

4 Applicanta should also state whether they have had service with the Australian Imperial Forces, and details such service. 5. Salary, per day, 6. The sacresaful applicant will be required to join the launch In. Melbourne, and to socompany 51 10 Darwin, and will also be required to do occasional duty in connection with the maintenance of Local unattended lighta and buoys.

J. A. JENSEN, Minister for Trade and Customa. (NOON AMBLES DISTRICT HOSPITAL REGISTERED TRAINING SCETOOIA Applications are invited, returnable on the 30th for the position of PROBATION CR in the above llospital, Salary to commence £20 p.m.. with quarterly Increase el Uniform anowance per quarter, sad annual leave of one mouth.

Applications to he accompanied educational with three (3) certiticates. persons! references and health and WITAN. Hecretary. MERCERY. Required for imCLOTHING, Suction Town, Western Line, a competent young MAN.

to take charge of Mercery. and Boots. Must have thorough knnwledge of these Departinenta. Good salary to right inan, Apply To-day or Thuralay, HENRY BULL AND 1.TD., tt1 York Street CLERK writer, wanted quick for and Engineering necurate at Firm. figures, Must used be a to good in volring and extensiona.

Minto age, salary required, wad enclose copies of testimonials to Omer, Sydnry. and CHAIRMAKERS. -Opening for few good men, constant work; good wager. 0. K.

ELLIOTT'8 Fumiture Fartory and Showrooms, CRESCENT, ANNANDALE. Raimain and Bircherove Truma to door. NOM Jobbing Comp. wanted, perm. to compt.

hand. Simmone, At. Department of the Navy, Melbourne, 13th September, (NADETSHIPS IN THE ROYAL NAVY. Attention iN invited to an advertisenient which peared it. "Commonwealth an Gazette." No.

143 of Examination to 1470, respecting held in the months of February, June, and cutober, fur entry of to the Royal Navy. Candidates must he more than 13 years and mor the, but not more than 13 years and A months an 1st April, August, and December following the date of the ex unination. FOYNTON, For Minister mi State for the Nary. ALERE REQUIRED FOR AN INSURANCE COMPANY. Salary, 4158 per annutn.

Reply, stating qualifications tor this position, to RANIE, Daily Telegruph Office. (AHEQUES for Australia furan CHECKS tor Germany, Buy War Bonda. METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. I.TD.. 838 Pitt Street, neur Liverpool Street.

DAVID JOSES, LTD, require AN INTELLIGENT YOUTH, 17-18 yours of age, for Department. SMART GIRLS for cirrical duties. APPRENTICES for Underclothing Workroom. EXPERIENCED TYPINTES for Country Order Departmelt Shorthand not Apply STAFF OFFICE, nuth Floor. and COMPANY, LIMITED, MAI ERA, require FIRST-CLASS BODICE HANDS and ASSISTANTS.

FIRST A LASS SKIRT BANDS. FIRST COAT HANDS, MEAD RODICE HAND for position as second in churge af Workroom. Apply, WORKROOM DENT. Fourth Floor. Market Street.

Take Lift al Market Street DRAPERY SALESWOMAN. Smart Saleswoman required. for Enmore, Suburban store, one capable of looking adver Camels, UnderclothAT Panes, and Haberdashery, Nu bug lug. Apply personally, HENRY DELL. AND 1.TD..

111 York Street, DE Vacancy occum in City Retail Katablishment for a competent LADY as Second-in-Charge of the Department. Apply, stating experience, BOX 1725, 6.1.0. to hare Vacancies for Young Ladies (just left DRAPERY. school, to learn the Drapery Apply E. WAY and COMPANY.

Despers, Pitt Street. FREE LESSON POSTPONED. Are Reburtald's Special Announcement. Dress Attl Fashion Column, TO-DAV. page See also Beburfald'a special odur to ladies living fu the country, or ladies unable to come into lessons, and business girla, and Fashion column, pAge 1.

Renirmber, if we fail 10 teach you dress uttine. we rotund your Reburiakd'a Sewing Machine Service Department, opp. Town Hall, Grorge Barret, Sydnes TORAPERY. HORDERN BROTHERS have a Varancy for a HMART SALESMAN in their Drew Department. Munt be up retail 21.1 trade.

have thorough knowledge of Dri-class Apply Mr. HORDERN Pit Street HORDEEN, -Wantedl NIT ENGINEER for mill in Queensland. Apply, Ron stating 448, age 4.1.0. and enclosing copies of references, to CLASSES, SYDNEY SCHOOL OF ARTS, EVENING, Piet 'Phone, Cly NEIN. HIGHLY QUALIFTED TEACHERS.

Bookkeeping, Elocution, Achnol, French, Shorthand, tireck. Latin. Typewriting. Mathemation, Primary TWO LESSONN WEEKLY Dally Practice included fur Typewriting Studenta. POTTY SEXER, ANY AGE, OPEN TO NON MEMBERS QUARTER FEE BEGINS FROM from 10t DATE PER of QUARTER.

PAYMENT of FEE. POSTAL are TUITION given by expert instructor. Write or STENOGRAPHERS, EVENING, BOOKKEEPERS, call on the Principal any day 10 p.m. cill 0 Reasonable p.m.), fees. or MONDAY and THURSDAY, COMMERCIAL 9 p.m.


for 6 FITTERS and 4 TURNERS. Award may be seen at Company's Sydney olice, APPLICANTS to apply in person Between 0 am and 1: Noon, THIS DAY. THE MOUNT MORGAN GOLD MINING (V, 118 P'itt Street, SYDNEY. Sydney, 17th September. 1918, HITTERS WANTED.

TITTERS wanted; also one used to DIE Competent WORK. Apply Manager. ANTHOSY HORDERNS IRONWORKS, ELIZABETH REDEERN, wanted. John Machinery, Brine Alien and Son, 1 Makers of Can wanted, for Painting and Packing confectionery Ca goal Magen. Rites street, near Htrect, learn Finishing, Ladies' Skirts, and opposite Buck rapid promotion far anurt Girla, Colonial St.irt wud Costume (0,, 80 Bathurst treet, Young Girls tor Goulburn Counting.

Carron, Stewart, GIRLS 9t. YOUR WOMENFOLK WILL APPREGATE HEBARPALD'A Dres offer in that Dress and Fashion column salve TO page dressing DAY, See they nee blem. It. Call 1t or will ring City for booklet of particulars. the Hawing Town Machine Hull.

Nervice George Department Street, Sydney. (DremBebarfald's cutting Section), opp. REPAIRS -Painting. prompt. Plumbing, Carpentering, etc.


BUY WAR BONDS. METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 838 Pitt Street, pour Liverpool Street. Learn from SHIMA, the Wrestler, Chem pion and best teacher, 08 Elisabeth Strest. Exhibitions dally, free. KUKRI BILARS BAND.

PLAYERS REQUIRED for the above Band. Applications, Colllery Worker and Coal Miners preferred. qualifications, to be made to A. APPLETON, Street, Kurri Kurd, N.S.W, LADY PRINCIPAL PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, WELLINGTON. The Board of Governors invites applications for QUALIFIED LADY PRINCIPAL fOr above.

Halary to commence, E400 per annum and Board. Applications to be sent in before September 30th, to the Secretary, G. W. GUTHRIE. Box 413, Wellington, TAD WANTED, Just school, about 16, from To Learn Printing Trade.

Wages 10 mart. 157 per week. Apply In own handwriting, to PRINTER, BOX 378, G.P.O, ward mi, temporary work. Apply Engineer, CounABORERS, with municipal experience, and Quarrymen eil Chambers, Ocean Street, Woollahra. CHAR.

A. VIVIAN, Town Clerk. TO 215 PER WEEK 15 EARNED many ladies making English Angela from our World's Works Copyright Recipes, No. Call and view showroom packed with Chocolates and High-claga Aweria, NEVER SEES BEFORE, hearing the names and of Ladies who buve made them after ONE FREE LESSON ONLY material are sent free, carriage pald. Partica, Instruction Free, Individual lesson, or by Porte, all A.

CROAKER AND DA CUTER, 1 Rawwon Mare, George Street, Sydney. Fatablished u0 Years, City 10778. LAN AND NECKWEAR HORDERN BROTHERS WORKROOM. have Vararcien in their Lace and Nrekwear Workroom for Apprentices and Improvers. Amply Upstairs, HORDERN BROTHERS.

Pitt Street. HANK WANTED. and Country Hanks reipire Vining Tulles with qualifications. Tuition by post or personally by experienond bankers, kana vacant. rite or COMMONWEALTH COLLEGE, Dally Telegraph Maildings, king St NAME ADDRESS tan master Beautiful Art of Lacemaking in homies, Teacher unarcestry.

Unexcelled BA MONEY- MAKERS or lORRY. Farn al weekly upwards, lime, Any number workers wanted. Send stamped envelope for details. TORCHON LACE 231 Melbourne. YOUR MONEY FIGHT THE HUN.


ENGINEER REQUIRED. APPLICATIOS8 will be received by the 1. it the position of MAINTENANCE ENGINEER aL the 1 4 Power House Salary commencing at the rate of per annum, rising by annual Increments til a mas uf per annum is reached. Applicants post have a complete training as lingineer by Apprenticeship, pupilage, ete, or the taking of full engineering at A Experience in the construction or overhaul at steam turho alternators of not les than 4000 kilo-watta outpur each. Kaperience in the averhunt repair of water-tube nome kunw 1.

daze of aperation and methods of mpair moturs, and awitchgear, and exin el gingering workshop practice. inning the ur machine tools. It will be an to at applicant to his rarendature tor be that he ham controlled a Lumber of mad Jinx sane ora to he made in applicanta' hand experience, and qualifications, by COPIES ANI.V at testimonials, which 1 Inruundest to couch the undersigned NOT LATER TIAN 1: ON SATURDAY. StD October, 1914 All other Things being equal, preference will he giver: Returned Holdier, Date this roternth day of September, 1918. I.

NESBITT. Town Clerk of the City of Sydney. Tran ladl. Soloes, 4 on the 26L (K COMER NEST for the Position APPLICATIOSS are invited and will be received A up E.NGINEER to the alave Municipality. Salary at the rate of 230 per annum.

Applicant rust a thy examination), required 1. the Government Act. Ordinances, and and stain 'aRr wud previous experialso when they can take ny their duties. of duties may he inspected or obtained and all other Informistion upon appilcation to the under-igned LA will Sp a bar to appointanent. Application to be a linseed to the Town Hall, Ralmait, and eqlorsed -Appliation for Vera of 994 acres.

Approx, Revenue. SOMMERVILLE. Town Clerk, Town Itall, September. 1018. Sewar up BALMAIN.

DEPUTY TOWN CLERK. APPLICATIONS are invited from Qualitted Persons for the Position of DEPUTY TIN to the Municipality of Bulmain, Salary nt the rate of 220 per anclose MONDAY. SEPTEMBER, jut, Appliants must Town gnote the number thereof: aLso state age and previolis experiener, and when they con commence duty. will be a har to appointment, Applibe addressed to the NAyor, Town Hall, Halmain, and endorsed, "Application. Deputy Town Clerk." A.

SOMMERVILLE, Town Clerk. Town Halt, Ralmuin. 10th Septumbez, 1918. MUNICIPALITY BALRANALD. APPLICATIONS for the position of CLERK to the ale Municipality are hereby invited.

A full or temporary of Qualidcation The duties are light. No objection to private prace tice. Sulary. per unnum Applications to be addressed to Momma. Truman.

Marri. and Public Accountants, Dalton House, 113 Hiroet. Sydney. GREENHAM. September 14.

1014. Mayor. UNICIPALITY OF BALRANALD. APPLICATIONS will be receised up to the 140r das nY from Tie rom to. undertake the duties of CLERK ANI SANITARY INSPECTOR at a salary per num.

Applications 10 be addressed 10 the undersigned, and (u state experience in municipal work. GREENILAM. Mayor, 16th September, want for Blonsce, and Huber; experienced. No Saturday work; good wages, W. E.

WARD AND (0., York Street. Sydney. Vacancies in Millionty Showroom fur Young Ladies just leaving reboot. Goal opportunities for W. T.

WATERS and LTD King and George Streets, SYDNEY. SLEW Wanted, thoroughly Competent SALESWOMAN, to take charge of our Fat rimmed Millinery Department. Apply 10 o'clock, HORDEAN BROTHERS, Piu street. MT FARMER and COMPANY. LIMITED, require PROVERS with two years' experience.

Apply, WORKROOM SUPERINTENDENT. Fourth Floor. Market Street. Take Lift at Market Street tateway. MECHANICS WANTED.

Caned to capable, ber men. Fare refunded utter 6 months ice. MOTOR LTD, CO. DISKING HEADWAY sign action, determination, effort, and will. You will never make headway atting down and hoping that thingy will riel r.

You musi net- knowledge that help you along in the you to -then apply your know ledgr wisely and welL. Deride now to inuke a start oil tho track or knowledge. ENDOL FOR ON OF OUR STUDY COURSES. Hundreds of ambitious students have climbel the ladder of by the aid of our P'ostal C'ourser. Why not yon? We mail the lessons to your door, and you study when convenlent.

We have over 300 Courses of instruction, and 4111 coach. you for any examination. Earnest study will enuble any student to win the way to surcers. WRITE TO DAY for Tree Rooklet, giving Infor. mation recanting the Various courses of instruction, which hated, Gun and Oil Engine Typewriting, Driving Bookkeeping.

Engine driving and Boller Penmanship. Electrical Engineering. Architecture and Building a 'oust ruction. Mathematics, Conveyancer' law for Solicitors and ft Barristers, Commercial Matrating, Mechanical Engineering, Poster Drawing, ete, Stention the subject in which you are interested. If not included in the above lat write Stott and floure's for tion.

STOTT AND BUSINESS COLLEGE. "Remington House." Liverpool Street, SYDNEY (FACING HYDE PARK). MOTOR DRIVING, Tuition Daily Running In Repairs, Driving, Private and Engine Management. Tyre Vulcanitof, 4-cyl. Gate- chanze cars.

We guarantee proficiency and license to most backpupil within 14 dura, REGENT and you secure employtent. Fee, Street. Central MOTOR Station. COLLEGE, 29 Regent City, near DRIVING. down and Mechanical together Repairs, each part pupil taught put cuch of rara, itudenta driving almost every car imported, and keep their cars in tip-top order.

Our students hold the best positions ohtainable, frein per week. Recommanded by the Government Motor Expert. Inlependent Adviser, CITY MOTOR SCHOOL Cary's Chambers, George Street, Dear Ratiwey. Professions, Trades, Eto. Required for MEN Mititary Aviation.

ing you And our Motor Scheel stepping-stone to your marine ambition. Our instruction every detail lateral bastion engines, ignition, etc. If you jala us you will Just be in time for the neat Military Flying Course, Motor Motor School recomunended by the 1 Engineering Firms, Traile Office. and avoid disappointment. ruction riven by valy, Call and read our testi montala jupils.

DOFLERTY AND ADANS, Office: 44 Oxford (lity (few doors balew P.O.). Car entrance by Osford Lane at rear. Pm. 981. WANTED.

MEN WANTED. THE SYDNEY MOTOR to join our MOTOR CLANS. THE LARGEST ANI MOST BUCCES4 Teach everything in Motoring on Ford, Plat, Talbot, ete. Call and see the Lady and Gentlemen Students practising on 10 Cara. Full Course In one month, no extra, Certificates and Police License.

Join any time. Daily, 9 to 6. Evenings, Monday MOTOR Friday, SCHOOL, OF ENGINEERING, At Central Motor Garage 187 PALMER near William Mt. Win. 511.

BULLI COLLIERY, LIMITED. WANTED. Certificated COLIJERY ELECTRICIAN, Apply, with references, to MANAGER. Coledate. 10 100 a.m.

WANTED. this day, George Street North, Sydney. PLATEN IMPROVER First-clams WANTED, Wages Apply W. M. MACLARDT, 34 Clarence Ntreet.

PHYSICAL Gentlemen. CULTURE. For time Evening and Clames particulars, for Bjeike- Ladies Petersen, 69 Elizabeth Street. Call and fuspect these classes, free. Show Operator, 5 experience, job Any where In State.

References given. Do any other work necossary, M.K.F., Dally Telegraph, Hydney. Folia Machinist wanted. permapent to compt. hand, Himmona, 1.6d., Pruitt -Double Royal Machinist wanted.

Turner and Henderson. Jamieon St. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY. WANTED, STOKERS and COOKS, Age 171 to (No previous experience required.) Good pay and prompecte and found. Apply District Naval Officer, Beach Road, Edgeclin, Sydney, DISTRAT PRIANDLY SON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Queensland.

APPLICATIONS are Invited for the Position of two MEDICAL OFFICERS for the above Institute. Present Membership 1840 members. Brittal Medical twenty five shillings per male Medical Officers wUt have the right of private practice, Applicants to enclose references. Duties commence It December. Application clone ON TONER.

For further information, apply to H. 1. MARTLEY, Denham street, to Invalid (ale wanted by editratel gent. 4.R.. 144 William Mt.

AND BLOUSES. We require number of SKIRT and BLOUSE HANDS: No Satorday Work. Good Wages Morning tea allowed. Apply MANAGER, MARK FOY'S FACTORY. Alberta Street, off Went worth Avenue.

THE WELFARE HOUSE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN, WELLINGTON STREET, DONDI. APPLICATIONS are Invited from GENERAL, TRAINED NE the potion of NURSE at the above Indie tution. Malory per annum. For particular apply Matron, at or Matron, wick Hospital for Intunt, Thomas Atrrol, City. JOHN WAITER ROSTRY, Secretary, Benevolent Society of New South Walen, Street, City.

SITATI: TRAWLING INDUSTRY. SMART BOY WANTED, for tale Fish Depot. Good prospects. Apply this morning to Mr. Bates, Central Depot, No.

a Wharf, Woolloumuolon. DAVID G. ATHAD. General Manager, SMART BOY Krowledge WANTED of the for city Warehouse preferred. Apply early to ALEX.

STEWART AND SONS, Holt House, 51 Vork Street, SYDNEY. SMART Junior Male Arsixtunt required. Cassells, T'ubHishers, 82. Pitt 8t. WORKING MEN'S COLLEGE MELBOURNE.

VICTORIA. FELT. TIME INSTRUCTOR IN AND ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS are invited. and will close 01 3rd October, for the above position. Applicants should he highly qualified mechazirally, and he competent to teach Applied Mechanics in all the grades.

and amist with Electrical and Engineering Drawing Tuition. TENTSG NOT IS hours per week, mix evening bours SALAKYCommence at per year. Further particulars re duties and annual ten re on State age and nationality, and supply copies of credentials and full particulars of experience, H. N. RODDA, Principal.

po NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURERS ACENCIEA ANTI WANTED. OTHERS, Mmm of live Indent Agents and Importers covering the whole New Zealand at regular intervals is open to consider taking up one or two further lines. Agency essential. Write, HONALD S. BADGER, 187 Stanchester Street, Christchurch.

MAKER REQUIRED. Apply. 9 A.M., to Assistant Factory Superintendent. 07 Clarence Street, Seiner. TO Strong LAD as Apprentice to JOHN HANDS, Printers.

Dantt. Street. JOINERS. Wanted. good olners.

F. E. Munro, Moorgate Blackiriars, Wanted. Arat-class Coat Hands; Frechairn and 267 PILL St. THE FACTOR THAT COUNTS, you realized that the tartor which the one essential thing necessary for Jo the ability to all a responsible position efficiently it is 10 dreamt ul a better position untras you are qualify to All that position.

There is a better postLion aweiting you in the business world when you have the knowledge, the trainiue the ability to make good. vou are not trainent, JOIN STOTT AND HOARE'8 EVENING CLASSES IN SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTANCY, AND HUNINESS METHOLS. Imt it worth while to make sour puttable! Thiuk what an Mort wand business training will prove to the coming days. only trained men and women will be la after the in training now, and get the advantages which knowledge gives. Our Evening af held four evenings in the week, and you can attend many the evenings as you wish.

Call or write to Principal (Sir. Geo. 11. B.A.I, who will give you full informatiou, STOTT ANU HOARE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, "Remington House," Liverpool Street, SYDNEY (FACING HYDE PARK). ALSO SERVE TEs WHO BUY A WAR DOND, METROPOLITAS BUSINESS COLLEGE, I.TD..

"Noiseless Typewriter' Agency, Pitt Street TED. FARMER and COMPANY. LIMITED, require SMART LADY CASHIER. Apply, STAFF End Floor, George Street. GIRLS, uned to Fancy Leather and Lacing.

Highest walgre, no work. WALTER MARTIN 200 Wellington Street, Chap. pendale, rear of Tooth's good IRON BRASS TURNERS. Alto, WANT DAN FITTER. Apply, MORISON and HEARBY, Lugineers, Newcastle.

MANTID, Strong YOUTH, under 18, to attend Soda Fountain and be generally useful. Apply 11. A. ROSE and tv, Chemists, 531 Cirorge Street, d'ity. Smart GENIULAL DILAPER, with knowledge of Boots.

for Northern Line. Apply 11 a.m. this day, PETERSEN, and 65 and York Street. Smart LAD, tor Traveller's Warron, MICE SIMMONS, Haymarket. good House Carpenter to work an two shops.

Apply J. Neuvey, Penrith. Tailor's a Shop A mistant. Apply W. H.

Bruce, 740 George Sydney. Case Makers, Apply E. W. Beard and 40 Parramatta Hebe. Strong Lads, 17-18 Strikers.

Peters Phillip Kedfera young Girls, 14 to 16 years old. Pioneer Crosby House, 136 Grunte At. W. Roys, Avenue, good wages. Rushcutters' Mayne, Rubber Mille, Lachian required by Bruce and opp.

Markets Professions, Trades, Eta. WANTED, FITTERS and TURNERS Apply to THE COMMON WEALTH PORTLAND CEMENT Portland; O'Connell Street, Sydney. WANTED, QUARRYMEN, Nireet. VAR BEST LOAN BONDS INVESTMENT ARE IN THE AUSTRALIA, METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 33 Pitt Street, near Liverpool Street, Apply to FOREMAN FARROW, IRON ORE QUARRY, Tallawang. near Gulgung.

DINTHICT HOSPITAL BOARD. APPLICATIONS are invited for Probationer, of Nurse with experience, to the Wilcannia District Hospital, Salary, de per six annum, Traveling expenses refunded after completing months' nervire. fut applicant to take up duties on or about 5th October. Further particulars may be had from The Secretary, Box 98, Wilcannia, WANTED, FARMER and COMPANY, LIMITED, Require COMPETENT JUNIOR SHORTHAND TYPISTE. 18 to 19 yearn of age, with experience, for correspondence section.

SMART JUNIOR SALESWOMAN, about 18 yearn of age, with some experience. Apply STAFF SUPERINTENDENT, And Floor, George Street. WANTED BOYS, FOR FATTORY. Constant Employment. No Saturday Work.

Apply WILLIAM ARNOTT. LIMITED, Manufacturers, HOMEBUSH. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, CROWN STREET, RYDNEY. IMMEDIATE Applications Are invited from CertiANURSES for the Position of SISTER -IN- CHARGE. Ay naccological Wards, Salary at the rate of coo per sunudi, By order of the Board.

MONA DALEY. Secretary, WANTED, GIRI. about 10 nt age. Apply Mr. BEALE.

Meyere. AND CO, I.TD., Trafalgar Street, Annandale. WANTED, METAL POLISHER. Constant employment Apply Mr. Negers, BRALE AND Trafulgar Atreet, Annandale, PANTED.

Girls for C'onfectionery. Apply George REQUIRED, for our 0mce. Gond Opportunity for one just leaving school W. BALCHIN, Cor. Pitt and Bond LADY required, for Tirket Writing Dept-, agr 15 to 18 years: must have natural liking for pen and brush work.

Good opportunity to leurn an artistic profersion. Hood Retail hours, Apply to Mr. Batton, IDE GARDINER'N HEADUITARTERS, Grorge and Barlow Streeta. flaymurket. few respectable LADS for Yo Wire-drawing.

Fret fortnight week, then minimum 30, with increase every six months, and goud prospects. Brow, and Abbotaford. wanted. 10 In 19 years of age. PIONEER SPRING I.TD., M'Eroy Street, Alexandria.

Domestic Help Wanted. Prepaid Advis. Two lines. 6d; 3 lines, 4 lines, and thereafter, 0d per line. PASTIER SYDNEY.

FESTER station: YOUTHS, learn farm, NATION YOUTH, milk, kill. STATION HAND, GARDENER. milk. Station: FARM LAD, DAIRY VARDMAN, SILK CARTER, DAIRY YARDMEN. 4 wanted, same dairy.

keep, GARDENER. suburbs. SEE GENTLEMAN 10.30. DAIRY HAND. milk.

deliver. suburbs. HOTEL milk, TIP, country. ELDERLY MAN, cook for few men, keep, TN' CARTERS 12), suburbe, 40 week, CAld. 9,30, ELDERLY MAN, milk, drive buggy, Convent FARMINGMAN, dig out rubbite, felice, keep, FARM HAND, milk.

30. COAST Stution Hand, wife £130. £190. MARRIED RADRITER, wife rook, take amall family. A 0000 Montrath.

Conk and Laundress, Avenue, wages Kensington. A GOOD. Lackey General, no Summer we, good Rill. 1 Mra. Rennie, NOMPETENT GENERAL, good plain cook, cottage, small family.

Mire. P. PINES, Red East. Epping 267. Cheltenham, (4 you, 17.

Mercedes, look utter Bagswater- young child, Road, daily. Darlinghurst. Mrs, Ben- Befaro 10 or after live. LA liver. Ouc Wanted used at to Walker institution Hospital.

work and machinery preferred. Wages, Telepbone, MATRON, CAR. DAIRY FARMERS. WANTED. MARRIED MAN, with family.

to work Dairy Farm, 244 miles from twral. 40 State experience, and wages required. and send copies of references. Good house rent fro. I.


BALMAIN and DISTRICT HOSPITAL. Laundress. 3 tr family. Tel, WANTED, Apply Redmore Road. "ANTED, competent HOUSE SAID, houseanald kept.

Apply this morning and evenina, Mra. CORDON, Kamilaroi, "Phone, Edgeclin 424 Darlin Point. TANTED, for country, who. small Byron Street, Coogee, Apply Situations Wanted. Prepaid Adria -Two lines, ed: 8 lines, line.

4 lines, and thereafter. Gl per netivo T'ensioner (male), house, kitchen work, only, quiet, clean home, Ling, Dally Telegraph For Sale, Etc. Iron. Quantity, 2nd land. EN.

thp. Kauri Flooring Dixou'a, 184 P'matta Rd. P'sham. RAIN. MORE -Stormy, cold, and wet conditions, with some heuvy Mowers; strong and south-cant to DOlEwest winds, Increasing to gale force suring the afternoon: Hiring vous.

Protect yoursell from such Brother as forecasted. which brings Coughs, a MILE less. at the Price of six bottles of. ph3 sig or maybe GEORGE SPECIALISE IN WATERPROOF WATERPROOF: SATISPALTION George's Special Value, Australian-made Light Weight Long Black Oilcout, (full nutsh. 311 Sizes, 14 Youths' and Rose Long Black Oil coats, Single, 16.

Youths' Long Pluck Oileoats, double ail through, Wer ther Flaps, Throat Stripe, "The Keep Medium Weight Long Oilcoat, Leather Bound, bal 1 lined, for any wear, "The Seaman' Medium Weight Double Dilroat, Reinforced Buttonholes, Waller Flaps, 97 8. Old Guard" Supertine Cloth Light Welcht Mi1moat, Silk tinier, Will Sot Stick or Leak, Light and "The Tight 2. A. OILSKIN Louble all through. Weather Flaps, as Supplied to 011 Panta, double all through, Pull and Roomy Cut, 18.

6, ODD LINE, Short Oil Jackets, American Make, Double, Son'. Westem, Oil Leggings, 644, 0 6. Leather Legginax, Mutter, Buckle, 8 4, Geusine Military Putter 12'6. GEORGI. SPECIA LINT IN WET WEATHER WANTS, 167-9 Ni rret.

167 Ret ween King and Market Streeta, Opposite She Need Nion. BRANDT'S FOR LANTA The Dietz Brandt (made in Kerosene Driving Latuy gives powerful white light. WILL NOT JAR OR BLOW OUT. Made to At gin, Oval Lamp Iron, and It la impondble to Jose oil LOLtainer, PRICE FROM EACH. Ag flustrated.

We also have special tine for Candle. Open Friday Nights til 9.30 o'clock. BRANDT 230 PITT STREET. SYDNEY. HELP YOUR COUNTRY- BUY WAR LOAN BONDS For Bale, to.

Two (18 word), four lines Rimless Toose, Optician, Cul wul 67 St. FOR Mitchell's Bale, mood Factorion, Building Forbes Stone, Woo ready for floomoolon. Bargaina. -Old estab. Shop, Diam.

ragement and Wed. Rings. Burnett, 41 Oaf. Invalid Chairs, models, hand etc. Works, 825 Jewellery, estab, the King there, and save money.

Oxford FEATHERS, soft and clean, 3d lb. D. ily land and Sons 755 Harris Sydney. and Lenses Hold, Bought, Each. Send toe lint.

Russell'a Camera William Street, SEWING, White Drophend, almost new: White Trendie, e2, Shop, 25 Queen Victoria Markets. TOLEDO Honest Weight Scales, RO springs. Sole porters, Woodhead, 115 Bathurst 8t. 6044, SCALES to suit all trade, for Cash or Kary Terme. DAYTON SCALE 1 Q.V.

Mikta, Geo. St. Ayd. 17HAT are the Wild Waves Corn Cure Hops Corns from staying. BOX.

WHERRY BLONSOM Tobacco, Dark Light 479 post free. Craig and Aitken, 654 Cleorge "treet. SMOKE Army and Navy Tobarto, Aitken, George Street. Ilve post free, Cole and 654 FORETAIRE for SILk, almost neve, cont owner enlisted. WIll moll for Can be Vicar Street, Cooger.

FOR tings, SALE, cheap. 19 Water Albion Piping. City, to near Rullway. Im. all STRONG DOORS, Gates, Grilles, and Fittings.

SAFE. all sizes, best quality, cheap. WEARNE and BREAKAPEAR, 290 Hummes St. 430 City ORANGES, Country orders bag (7 add to A freight. 402), Special quotations for pd.

mb. stations. wholesale orders. P. Notes.

Tural. TOURNITURE on Terms, Iron el worth to conn. Sucia from workly. and BON, Oxford Street, Nationals (guaranteed), from 29. REGISTERS.

-Sole Agents. CLAPHAM and Ground Floor, Freeman's Chambers, 318 George Street, text Silvester', Dear Hunter Street. TOOR SALK, to large 1016. quantity Senond-hand in falanised condiIRON, sheets, all are good lion: delivered to rail or hout free. 12 ALBION STREET.

City, near Railway. SECOND HAND SEWING to MACHINES. Er, .1, W. JOHNATON and 740 George Street, laymarket. Phonograph, 100 4-min.

Record, 26: 9 new doz. New Register Grates, Eureka Goa Stove, No. Beacon Light Stove. sideboard, all perfect condition. PALMER.

Church Parrantta. MACHINE, POSTPONED. £2. good order. Bebarfald' Free Lesson special in announcement, Dresscutting Druse and Fashion column, TO-DAY.

Are page 2, Beharfald Sewing Machines, opp. Town lall, George Mrert, Sydney, Grain and Ambler Frat-selling Agents, 00 King Street, Melbourne, Choice Oranges are in shor supply, very good demand pre went, making easily Navels to Common to 114. Mandarins to Consignment solicited. Invited. RING UP 700 N.

CAMERON and REEVES, Newcastle's Leading Plumbers, 306 Hunter Street. Newcastle. Agents for the Farnaus Rotorna and Mal- Wonderful Chip Bathheaters. IRON, 100 sheets, Proem 6d per Gal. Water Piping, tin.

to 100 Panel Doora, lox Frames, and Sashes, Reg. Grates, Wheelbarrows. 90 10 Slates. all kinds Building Material. Packed ani delivered free on rail or bout.

1. DEVINE, 111 Myrtle Street. City. 478 Redfern. MILE.

WASTE, on Tricks bere: or will quote delivered uny Station, Cash with order. J. TOORY. Egalington Sawmille, OURIMBAIL LIME, (AIR-SLAKED) for Agricultural purposes. Full supplies now available, PRICE.

cA per tow, bagged, on 1 rackx, Merrylande. loads 48 tonal deliveted free any station, County ot c2 per ton. ARTHUR IL. HASELL. 31 Hunter Street.

Sydney, TRARGAINS SOLOMONS: Gent, Solid Gold Double Omega Lever equal to new, 20 grarantee, Heavy Solid Gold Double Curb Albert. Solid Gel Larker, with Morseghoe with rabies and sapphires in centre, only Solid Erg and Combination. suitable present, Sterling Silver Double Case Watch, with Muff Chain attached, 3 years' 21 0. Solomone, ton Goo. app.

Mr. RIv. 9q. GENT Gold Gunmetal Lark buser Photo, Watch, Locket, 924, 15 guaran. d.

5 Uninty White Sapphire and Pearl Necklet, Cut- glans 6-battle Dinner Cruet. Wheat quality worth double. Gent 'a Double Cased told Lever Watch, fully jewelled. guaran. 10 grare, V.

Solid Cold Fancy Pottern Double Albert, worth English Copper Jardiniere. 6. BERKMAN, 283 King Newtown, of 1'. Office (Pawnhrokers) TOURSITURE RUVERS intending can to Furnish the Home. or Purchase a Ringle Article, ohtain everything required at BEDROCK PRICES, and suitable for (UTTAGE OF MANSION.

We have large sasorted stock to select from, and our Motto in QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW. Terma can be arranged. PRENTICE AND COWIE, Complete House Furnishers, 435 to 445 King Newtown, opp. Ahel'a TIRE In at or No. 10 Gulvd.

Fencing Wire, new, at £56 per ton, To arrive about wrecks No. Galed. Fencing Wire at 252 per ton; No. 12 Galvd. Fencing Wire at 259 per ton, P.

W. and LTD. NEWCASTLE. MILLIONS of require starving millions people of in toon the of Meat, world Poultry, to-day, Lees, etc, These will be dear, especially when the war is over. Then the ships will rush supplira from our shores to save valuable liver, Hurry the PEEN through Har HATCHER' INCUBATORS: be ready with 1.

big supply of strong, heavy birds; they will be valuable. DEPOT, HARRIS' CORNER, HAYMARKET. IRON, PIT SHEETS GALVANISED IRON. 4. 7, and A fret, Tanks, 1000, 800, and gula, Iron Tanks, Ship's Tanka.

400 One Ton Flat Iron: 500, Gas Piping: large gentity Bin. in. WIRE ROPE, equal new: -ply 33' RONJA Copper: Wheelharrnws, Ct ench: 50 shrets new Galvanised Iron, Enamelled Bathe, equal to new. Delivered Also, all classes Rail Free. Serond-band Building Material, Bout or 00 Chalmers Street, 'Phone, Redfern.


W. RUSSELL and Newcastle. STATIONERY 18 CHEAP AT OUR STORE. Very Ann Office or Suboul Pencils, 4 6 per Gross, per dozen. Farewell Streamers, 5, fid each.

Seribhling Pooks, from 16 per doz. Hest Toilet Paper, 7 per Rolla, Commercial Envelopes, cheapest in town. per 1000, Foolscap Paper, 6 per Reum, per Quire. Blotting Paper, 40 per reatn, per valve, quire. A Real Gand Writing Pad, fult of 3 for 15, AUSTRALIAN PAPER Lu.

193.4 Next Park Street THREE SHILLINGS BRADS, long. urn worth String ball of guinea; Yellow money returned it not sat isded l'ostal notes and stamps accepied. Write REDERMAN'S. Withem Street, Sriner SE -Sterling Silver Radium Dial Watch, Otter uti 17. quite hew; or.

solid Gold Creole never hen worn: Pen Gold Nib. very heavy Shottieht Silver Card Stand, Walker, Hell's Luncheon Cruet. best quality, real cut HaAS bottles, 174, cont 3: 6: large size Combination Silver Raindy Viask, with Mirror, 21 Lads 'a Sterling Gent. Holid Bevelled Gold 404: Open face Watch. comI timekeeper.

goos worth more than double: Lover Watch, for a days, Gent. Double Case Sterling Silver Elem Water. 80. Seshling'. 01-43 Sr.


Platintim Setting. L5 12 DIAMOND Double Cluster RING, Platinum Setting, 2-DIAMOND CROSSOVER RISC, Platinum Setting, 10 MAMOND and PEARL. RING. a Work of Art, Choice, SINGLE STONE DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING, 45 10 Open Today 111 4 p.m. Licensed Pawnbroker A and Antique Dealers, BURKMAN'S.

Throughout Australia Our One and Only Avidress in: 100 102 AM STREET. SYDNEY. THROW AWAY your Cane seated Chairs wben DOST seats are destroSed, Reseat them with MANGROVITE LEATHER CHAIR SEATS. They are strong. and tixel, nad will a tire time.

14 to carb. bet us incr you. Saud for simple sent. Post free for 6 in stampe. MANGROVITE BELTING, 1.TI.

40 Wonyani Square, Rodney. "DAILY TELEGRAPH." TASMANIA. Head Offers: Launceston. Manufacturers, Importers. Wholesalers, and Distributing Houses desirous of reaching the Consumer SHOULD SELECT THIN "TELEGRAPH AS THE MEDIUM FOR TASVANIA.

N.S. W. J. T. M'inties, 19 Street, Sydney WORLD'S Paper that Everybody Wants and Reada A Paper that Everyone Enjoys.

SPLENDID Best SHORT STORIES. THRILLING SERIAL Publication of kind in AND ALL THIN NEWS VRON EVERYWHERE Poultry, Birde, and Poultry, Birds, and Advertisem*nts containing advertiser, two (14 words), three Ines words), incubators, word), line, prepaid. Poultry Advertisem*nts, and Business wader heading, twe and line. A WELL KNOWN that FACT MAN, and 00., the Oldent and Most Reliable Agents tor Poultry, and Farm Prodnce, holding regular Auction Sales, as DATE LIVE PIGS, TUESDAYR, CALVES, WEDNESDAYS. POULTRY, TURADATA, THURSDAYE, FRIDAYS.

PORK and VEAL, FRIDAYS. THOMAS STREET, HAYMARKET. A Chicks unhenten and Incubator Chat It will riven hatch pig Ostrich returna and Emu hendle. eggs with easo. self- regulating and eary it with oil, or electricity af a very You call may cost.

rum In tact, it itself. When you once try the "Harris Hatcher' Incubator you will use no other. Thia Hatcher perfection itself. Yea, it will hatch strung, vigorous chicks that will live and thrive, W. HARaM, Harris's Corner, Haymarket.

A ROYLE Famous STUD Fowls. POULTRY Breeding Pens, Par six hens Ferguson's and Rooster, Chicks, from dozen. Fertile Eggs, dozen. Come and pick your Winter Layers front Black Orpington, Reds, White Leghorsa, DE Chinese Langshana D. FRAGUBON, Argyle Stud Poultry Farm, "Phone LONGUEVILLE A Raper Street, Silver off Silky, Church male Street, pup Newtown.

ther. bred. A UNTRALIAN stock. and J. Sydney Matterson, SilLy Terrier, Market dog Street.

and BEGIN POULTRY KEEPING and Make Money. Enormous Opportunitien in the Poultry Business. You can begin in your own backyard and realise good probEr almost from the start. Get our Free Illustrated Booklet, in Poultry," which gives you 80 interesting Insight Into the Poultry Business, Send just YOUT name and address-now-for your copy, enclosing 3 in statupa to cover cost of etc. THE SOUTHERN SCHOOL, OF POULTRY CULTURE, 44 Exchange Corner, Pitt and Bridge Streets, SYDNEY.

V. P. Rocks, (Judson 15 direct Culdees comp. Road, 13 "RES. Ended.

BULL prize winners. -Bitel Puppies for Hale, Lindtleld. purents 'Phone, 1734, BLACK ORPINITONS, 1st Hens, year Hooster, betta, low Irt. not extra, (hetSELRY, "West Dene, Ettalong Road, Went worthville. BEE Wyandotte Kenway 7 Howell Pulleta, Pullets, laying.

4221 re. 400 Lane Cove Road. Crow's Nest. HOOKS, Thompson Ringlets, Nettings now ready, fertility splendid laying and tahit birds, 7,6. ADAMSON, Wattle St.

I'unchbowl. DROODY for Sale, reliable. Cowan Acton Street, off Parramatta Road, Cropion Sorth. LACK Orp. Chickens, and Bettings, Pom utitity stock.

69 Kawwn Haberfield. BLACK Stud grand Wentwort trio. 8t win best company, Farm, ille, DROWN strain, by Government test, Trios Stud Farm, ville. BUlboos Lee, wanted, care 18 Howard mos. oH.

Smith's, also Sydner. Pups, bath (TRICKS. CHICKS, The result of Tram of Practioul Experience, LIVE, LAY, PAY. PLAUK ORPINGTONS, Sept. and per 100, 12; for 12, WATTE LEGHORNS.

Nept, and per 100, 10 for 12, EVERY CHICK GUARANTEED PURE AND HEALTHY. Prices, Sett. Eggs, on application. Freight Extra, M. Orders, payable PunchbowL, POULTRY PLANT, PUNCHBOWL.

N.S. W. your Fays, Table Poultrs. to our Sales on TUESDAYE, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Highest prices, prompt returns. Pigs Tuesdays, Calves Wednesdays, at Homebuch Ray Lu loyarda, THE POULTRY FARMERS' COOPERATIVE SOCIETY, 3 and Municipal Poultry Markete, 1 wk.

old, from gri, layers, 141 20 for (Judson comp str-), mob, R. I. K. Ultimo Road, Haymarket. 22,6, (Padman).

1, ca, 10 Dover Summer 2542. W. L. (Padmun-Brierley), doz. 909 ANnandale Street.

Annandale. (Ratmain tram), R.1.R., 12 1 Settings, 3, Next. Public School. Arnclife. CROAD Langebana, the great utility breed; worthville, co*ck.

Hens, Eggs, Stud Farm, Went L'ahana, B. W. doz. Grove P. Farm, Layco*ck'a Thirst ville.

Chicks, Wh. persistent Guildford. doz. Escott Poultry Farm. Rawmon DAY old W.

L. Saville Chicks 90 Street. each, Gore week old 10'6 doz. TORECT Sanitary Poultry Houses with REXI British-made fre-retardant. It outlives water-tight, gals aniped and iron, is easily vermin-proof.

JAMES HARDIY: And Aeber. toa House." corner Wynyard and York Streets, Pydney. 'Phone. 84.46 (4 Lines), pet Harria, Emus. Pitt Blue Street, Cattle Pupa, Haymarket.

Barred Rocks, W. FOR Male, eron-Kenway Broodies Bik. with Ops. 30 champ, Chicks, La wich won, 25., White CamLeghorns. Geo.

fa*gle, Abbot-ford. wood fleid. Sale, R.TR. co*ckerels and Pulletz. co Nettings R.

and Quanbeer, 9' Hill. Tel, Edge. 047. FOR (dubs). SALE, WO Apply PURE BRED FOX TERRIER PErS 34 GEORGE STREET WEST, CITY.

FOR Sale, Gard, Tom 49 Barron Albert At from Peters. pure tested stock. TOR lot. Sale, Alpha, Large Watkin Muscovy Drake Rockdale. and Ducks, 30 the Finches, Heads.

Canaries, Gull Fish, A riumna, Weed. Turner, Bu Kohert St. Ashield OU SEROLD TYPE BOILERS FOR YOUR BROODERS The certainty of heat in Four Brondere is assured by the we of Dunks' Household Type Roilers, The radiation of heat from hot water has heen demanstrated being the most mlistartory for Luz particular AS the of temperature the penrost approach possible to the heat of the sitting hen herelk Call and have It4 many advantages demonstratel. We make these Bollers, Piping, etc. Otberwise John Tanks and Son, Pty.

Jad. 324 Pitt Street. wear Liverpool Street. Sydney: And Hourke Strert, Melbourne HE with 18 W.L. Saville Chicks, Stem, week Gore old, Hill, 15 6.

AYING Roosters lens, N. 49, Tow-P. Back More impingtons, Reds, Lying strain Wh. Legh, Br Laugh Her. fertile.

Mister St. Empire Mab'id. Muscuvy Retunes, 5. Wens, for Ettalong Mud Went Drakes, ville, INORCA co*ckerels, At Ta pen, real beautics, 10 5. J.

Watson, Henley Road, Flemington. MONSTER related, Muscovy 30. Drake and 6 Holden Young Ducks, Ashhell. POULTRY comfortable FARM. rottage, clove equipped station, and to let worked, on shares.

with Parry facility, brooder 50 houses ani 5 ac. lucerne, water tail in throngint, aMended local connection, real opportunity tor cupable man with family Particulars, Manager. PREMIER MI NICIPAL POULTRY NANA F79. pos and Toy fr. Hent St R.

1.4 A tia Aper. tram to night. P. Brooke, Suition DICEUNS. Wanted, GOOD, STRONG BIRDS.

pair, Any quantity. CLEAVE 100 Thomas Street, Syllner. ent. lards, hest in St. (.

Prendue, Wind. DIGESs, pair nik. Tarobin. con evorywhere shown, dark liver. for sale, well bred.

DUSTER Draper, Port Kembla, DUPS Wanted: Canaries, Pugs, Pigeons. Pome W. Purley, Foxies, 017 aL 8 TetHers, Tiny male black Puppies for Frank Westella, Carrington Wav'ley. DIODE Island Rein. winners and layer, Settings freight paid.

F. A. Jacobo (1et soldier, Firet, Grenville, JETTINGS. -Set thus hen with my Sire freid Is. Leghorns, 1,0 wetting, extra.

Mutthews, Riverview Roud, NETTINGS so 100, Blockey, Canonbury Grove, Bradburne Ken. 8.0 aplen. laying tert. guar. Adameon.

Wattle P'bowl SETTINGS Wh. Tom Barron (direct, Padsetting. 45 King New town. SILVER Grey Dork it. aDd Houdan Karen, and setting.

Nturl Partu, Went worthville. Wanted We buy by live weight, no mission or curtage charges. for Price List. FEATHERS for Sale, und clean, 8d per Ih. DAVID AND SONS Harris st.

hyuney. co*ckatoo. real Baler Wallaroo. Turner, Robert ld. 1637 "HITE Crestest Black Polish vetting.

Stud Farm, ortliville, Netting, 17 Sheets Iron, Bro der. Town. Morse Gordon. Poultry. any quantity, highest prices, curt went.

Wet Freezing Co, Harbor C. maries. Pigeone, Herreta, l'ups, Finches, highest pries given. Pustes, 117 Rathurst St. Silky Young also Pups.

Plate cheapest price, .1, Crow, Newtown Post. Otter. Wyandotte Kegs from champion setting. Stud Fart, Went worthille. VA 14 Robert St.

Kangaroos, Ashtield. Wallabies, 11 1637. etc. Turner, Lectures. MONTHLY MEETING of the IN CaPO.

PATEN TE OF ACCOUNTANTS COMWEALTE ON AUSTRALIA STUDENTS' SOCIETY will he held THIS EVENING at the Chamber or C'omRooms, Georve and Gran nor Streets, at 7.43, the subject Federal Income to be delis by B. PALLIOK, Students and prospective student, are cordially invited. Ron. L. C.

EMANUEL. OR Published Every Pablic Notices. INDUSTRIAL ARBITRATION we. NOTICE given thee the plicants- all New South have duly applied for the to them under the Act of license to carry on for prott private employm respective addrestes set opposite their ERNEST J. PAYNE, Under Department of Labor and Industry University Chambers, Cecilia A and Gene- 3 Travers- Jam Employ A Moore Robert Biller pey.

George. 'The No. 1 Commercial Col- Floor, Daily lege. Fraph ney, King 8t. All persons who desire to heard upon the of the fitness of any of the applicants to bold said license O8 or before the 6th day of arribed Jorge of the with me veriled of their statements in the loem grounds objections of the mid license, Industrial Registrar, TUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF SYDNEY.

PUBLIO NOTICE. PUBLIC WEIGHBRINGE. 78 Elizabeth Street, Sydney. (3D-eL) THE COURT OF INDUSTRIAL ARBITRATION NEW SOUTH WALES (No. 411 of -To 1 ployer of POTTERY CARTERS throughout the County Cumberland: TAKE NOTICE tint APPLICATION wilL be CARTERN' made to the Court by the TROLLY DRAYMEN AND UNION OF SYDNEY AND SUBURBS INDUSTRIAL UNION OF EMPLOYEES for the Lion of certain Industrial Matters and for an Award for the County of Cumberland, and will be heard in the Court of Industrial Arbitration, Queen's Square, Bydney, st ten of the clock in the forenoon, on WEDNESDAY the 25th day of TEMBER, 1918, or 88 SOON there after NOICE the Court may hear the application.

TAKE also that you may lodge objection to the appli cation with the Industrial Registrar, University Cham hat: TH Elizabeth Street, Sydney, before the above mentioned date, and mag he heard before the Court in support of and of ject ton or may make application for exemption from any Awaril, The application in for the tment of the old Award, including Increase the A tall copr of at the inay be Inspected aL Registry the Court or at the office of M. Henwond, 4 16 Chumbers, Rawson Place, Sydney, Dated al This 171h day of September, 1918. W. kIT Industrial Registrar. THE COURT OF INN ARBITRATION, NEW sor WALES (No.

417 of 1918). -To Emplayers of GROOMS, AND YARDMEN in the County of Cumberland. TAKE NOTICE that APPLICATIOS will Two runde to the Court by the TROLLY DRAY MEN AND CARTERS' UNION OF SYDNEY AND XB4 UNION OF EMPLOYEES tor the variation of the of rertain Transport Industrial Group No. Matter 34 and for eh. Comberlandi Bourd and the Transport Group No.

published in rument Gazette," Cumberland), No. 113, of Board, the 1. tail Store September. apd will be ward in the Court of arbitration, Queen' Nquare, Sydney, at ten the to in the on THURSDAY. the day of or soon thereafter an the Court may hear the application, TAKE NOTICE you may nijection to the application with The Hegistrar.

Univendty Chambem, 78 Street, Sydnes, before the abere-mentioned date, and may be beard before the Court in support of such objertion. or may nuke application for exemption from any award. The application in for an increase of wages following the Board of Trade's Declaration, as to the Living laze, full copy of the application may be inspected at the Registry of the Court or at the mace of M. 4 Chambers, Rewwon Maces Sydney. Dated at Sydnes this 17th dav of September, F.

W. KIT Industrial Registrar. THE COURT OF INDUSTRIAL NEW SOUTH WALES- No. 412 of ployers of Landers of Lorrie, Carts, ote, throughout the Counte of Cumberland -TAKE NOTICE: that application made to the Court be TROLLY DRAYMEN AND PARTERS UNION OF AND 80B- FROS INDUSTRIAL UNION OF EMPLOYEES for the determination of certain Industrial Matters, and for variation of the Transport Cromp, No. 14 (Curters, Cumberland published in Government Garette So, 113 of the 13111 clay of September, 1918, and will he heard in the Court of Industrial Arbitration, Queen' Square.

Spines. at 10 of the clock in the forenoon on Thunday. the day of September, 1918, or as Cooti Thereufter the Court may hear the application, Take Notice also that. you mar lodge objection to the appliration with the Industrial Registrar, University 19 Street. Sydner, before the abovementioned date, and may be heard before the Court in support nf such objection, or may make application for exemption from any anand.

The application is for AnI increase wages following upon the Board of ropy Trade's of the Declaration application to may be Living inspected Wage. at the Re. the of the Court or at the office of M. HENWOOD, TI flawson Place, Sydney. Dated at Sydney 111- 77th das of September, 1918.

F. W. KITE HISG. Indestrial Registrar. STRIST.

ARBITRATION ACT. -NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO REGISTER AS AN INDOSTRIAR, NOTICE in berely given that application ham born made to register as art Industrial Inion, under the "Industrial Arbitration Act. the Trade Union, led "MEAT INDESTRY UNION OP NEW SOUTH WALES." All notices of objection to mich registration must be lodged with me within notice, fourteen days from the date of publication of this Datel this thirteenth day of amber. 1918. F.

W. KITCHING, THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF SYDNEY have opened a PUBIJO WEIGHBRIDGE, Street, adjoining City, the opposite Wrights the Vegetable Markets, and spand Measures Department in Hay proached from either Burne or Frazer The Public are guaranteed by the Council just wright on the most up-to-date Public (20) Weighbridge The in the State. weighing up to Twenty Weighbridge is in central position, less than two minutes from the Darling Harbor Railway Goods Yard, and in the vicinity of George Street and Summex Street. Dated this seventh day of September, 1918. THOMAS I.

NESBITT, Town Clerk of the City of Sydney, Town Hall, Sydney, cO, WILCOX AND LIMITED (In Liquidation), SOTICE is hereby given that the Creditors of the abovenamed Company are required on or before the 3186 day of October nest to send their names and addresses and the particulars of their debta or claims and the and addresses of their Solleitore (if any) the undersigned, at Currie Acreet, in the City of Adelaide. the Liquidator of the said Company, said and if required br notice in writing from the their Liquidator are by their Molivitors to come in and prove said debra or Claime at such time and place 18 shall be in such notice, or tu default thereof they will ha excluded from the benent of any distribution made before much debta are proved. Dated this 4th day of September, 1938. MURRAY WILCOX. Liquidator.

Explosives Department, Sydney, September End, 1918. IS HERERY NOTIFIED for the information of IT those concerned that all Licenses Issued under the "Explosives Act, 1906, expire on the 80th tostant. The expired Licenses, endorsed by the nearest Inspector (Police Officer) under the Act. and accompanied to by the proper fees, abould be at once forwarded the Superintendent, Explosives Departinent, "Explosives Act, Heavy 1005, penallies are impused by for keeping explosives on premises. Stamps will not he accepted in payment of feca.

(-81) WILLIAMS, Superintendent. pONd of I this COMPANY. Company will he The closed, Share N' View of the Company's Half -yearly balance of the 30th instant, from Friday, 27th instant, to Friday. both days inclusive, By Order of the Board. E.

TWIGDEN, Secretary. PLEASE Properties Nos. 107 and A 109 Rand, C'entennial Park, have been sold and are withdrawn frown Sale. LOGO BROS, 961 Sumer Street, Sydney. Pay Exorbitant Prices for Spectacles have when the you bare each eye tested separately, and Very alled, 10 rears' guarantee we heep color, will stand the best lessen in Bolid Nickel Frames for Goldtest of Nitric Acid.

from Best quality with Rimless Pince Clip, Ver. (in from 10, BARNETT. Scientifle Gold-illed Mount), from 8,6, latest Fin W. and S. Board).

Optician, 044 Pitt Street doors and Massage for Paralysis, RbeumaLiam, Neuritis, Constipation, ete. 14 Oxford A. S-buch. late Phillip St. Massage Taught.

UNUSHAN 'S, tor Lorks and Keys, 18 now at 73 LET STRICT ed your Liniment, 3 6, for Gout, Lumb, Chemist for Dr. Parker's Rheumatic RemEducational. COLLEGE A (The Open-air School), KILLARA-GORDOS, North Shore Lane, FOR BOYS. SYDNEY. in its beautiful surroundings, healthful in COMFORTABLE NOME-SCHOOL luspiring instruction.

its and UNIVERSITY thorough POLE GLADUATES ON TINE RESIDENT STAFF. Modern Buildings, large playing Belde, tennis court, open air Ami classrooms, vegetable garden. Remarkable Health open-air dormitories, own Reword. Moderate inclusive tens. No extras FOUR N.D USU TRAINED NURSES ON THE RESIDENT STAFF.

COMFORT- CARE PROOR Separate Houses (3) for Bosw under 13 years. Certineated Trained Nurse in barge of each House. Mustrated prompectus, testimonials, and full, particu HITs on application. J. FITZMAURICE, Telephone, Principal.

AND A HOME FUR YOUR BOY. C'AMDEN GRAMMAR AND COMMERCIAL, COLLEGE. THE SAN ATURALDE OF THE SOL'TH (200 HIMSELF. Acres) EACH BOY GETS ATTENTION FOR Personal attention of Headmaster Grand Climate for Delicate Roys. Preparation for University and all Public Examinations.


DAYS. BOYD (Admirably adapted to Tuition by Mail.) THE LAIRD BOYD SHORTHAND SCHOOLS, Deking House, Rawson Place. Branches at LISMORE, KATOOMBA, and LITHCOW. Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, and AM SON SCHOOL" for Girla. Beautitul Climate.

Large up-to data ourriculum. Popila prepared for all Shorthand and Bookkeeping Tanght. Next Term begin October 9th, 1918. Phone, 18 law SPRING WOOD BLUE MOUNTAINS CONFIDE Christmas Term. 1st Detober.

Principal, M. DURANDA.

The Daily Telegraph from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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