The Australian from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

I a a a a whet as for hat it They Lise of com. fica el this objec. for stice of ter-of. lydney hagnioncle- be i listricts of to the en the puntry, jon, ick fall On to ice ling Goenge contract over hmenced of freit By deer: ince bicularly the even jive upon for en tonga hundred the trade berta's rode Stance bited. nd.

side 10 had and dope ich his rider and face of only ction of to account ribbon re of The agility tie neck into the saddle; Whipcord, as was said before began at the suggestion of bis rider, which to was strong make -forta to recover his lost ground, not 00 dificult a matter as might be expected, it appearing on inspection, that the rider of Woodman was all abroad rather, or to speak more correctly, was indulging in various meditative he speculations as to which was the way, which unfortunately never discovered till Whipcord showed him. Racing began nOW in right down earnest, and they came to the top of the hilt where the carriages were, at pace which the initisted declared to be not far short of score. Woodman here was waiting, about three lengthe behind, Whipcord cutting out the nook and doing his fences in the most splendid style. Major England sunk the bill at a swinging this gallop, Mr. Mundy stilt stacking to him in form they continued till they crossed the road, and it was said by the cognoscent that bereabouts Woodman's bellows were able to go the pace much better then his legs.

But, however, the ascending and descending motions of Fortune's Wheel are no where more remarkable for their suddenness than in a Steeple Chase; Major England, who on this occasion was not so broad awake as is his went, rode over the rails into the race course on the wrong side flag. This was a trick which may be pronounced decidedly verdant, but strange to say, Mr. Mundy was going to follow the bad example of the leader, when he was turned back by some of the crowd. After two or three refusals having got over, Woodman's rider brougbt him quietly in, some time after Whipcord, who had proceeded to get his jockey weighed out. FRIDAY (SP PT.

9.) -A sumnerous concourse of spectators, attracted by the splendor of the day, and the prospect of fine race were assembled on the course at an early hour. The anticipations of the of a line day's sport were fully evidenced in the smiling countenances of the eventless mass, and mirth and good humour universally prevailed, nor were they disappointed in the result, for it is universally confessed that better races were never witnessed in the Colony. At the hour appointed for starting, the bugle summoned the competitors to the post, when the following horses were duly led up to the starting post. The first race was for the Parramatta Town Plate of £50, fur which Lady Cardina and Mr. Roberta's Traveller were the only two started, which was won by the former in splendid style.

SECOND RACE. Mr. Plunkett's filly, Lila Mr. Smith's colt, -Sily, Mr. Lawson colt bolted Ditto filly, placed.

A back race run by two gentlemen, which occasioned a good deal cf amusem*nt. Lab Intelligence. SUPREME COURT CIVIL SIDE. TUESDAY, SAPTENBER Paul Long. -This was an Pietion of sumpait.

intiffs had applied to Messrs. Edward. ad Hunter to dispose of a quantity of Burton Ale bud Pale Ale in their possession; and they secordingly disposed of it to defendant to the amount of £145, with an allowance for leakage, the Hurton Ale at £6 166 per barrel, and the Pale Ale at the same price per bogshend; when payment was to be made it was contended by deiendant that the price was to bave been £6 15s per hogshead for the strong Ale. Mesara Edwards and Hunter then offered to cancel the bargain or let it be decided by arbitration, to neither of which would he agree. A considerable degree of evidence was gone into to show that the usage of the trade nt Home and in the Colony was to sell strong ale by the barrel.

The Assesaors however returned a verdict for plaintiff for 49 148 being the complement of the sum demanded. WADNESDAY, SEPT. 30 Dodd v. Biddulph. This was air action for the recovery of £21 6s 3d, being a balance of account; plaintiff had been in Captain Biddulph's employ for several months, and the sum now claimed was partly arreara of wages, and partly expenses incurred as a witness in defendant's behalf; for the defence it was contended that there could be no arrears no plaintiff was paid weekly-two of defondants clerks deposed to this fact, and to that of there baring beeu arrears to their knowledge.

Ver diet for £6 109, with leave for defendant to more the Court upon a point of law. Hallen and another v. -This was an action to recover the sum of £21, for surveying performed by plaintiff on the Burwood estate, in part belong ng to defendant; it was shewn that the charges were reasonable, but plaintisis not being able to shew that defendant had entered into any agreement with them, the Assessors returned a verdict for defendant. THURSDAY, OCT. was an action to recover the balance of rent due for premises in Macquarie Place.

Judgment was allowed to go by default. Verdict for plaintiff, damages £48 15s, Ryan v. Maloney -An important witness being in this case absent, the record was withdrawn. Original Correspoudence. To the Editor of the Australian.

Sir, Having occasion to be a constant travoller between this place and Sydney, and my correspondence between both places extensive, find it a matter of much loss and inconvenience in not receiving my letters, which remain, to my surprise, one night in the Post Office at Liverpool, and in many instances require to be answered without delay by return of Post. This subject Sir, requires the attentive consideration of the Post Master General, as the Mails are now about to be contracted for. Why should we not be allowed the same indulgence as the good people of Windsor whose Coach leaves Sydney every afternoon at four o'clock, and arrives the same evening at nine o'clock, (notwithstanding the distance being five miles farther from the Metropolis, than Campbell Town.) This grievance I sincerely trust will meet the eye of that very efficient public officer Mr. Raymond, who will, no doubt, with his usual attention to the public good, remedy the evil so much complained of by many residents in this extensive neighbourhood, I beg to remain Sir, Your obedient servant, A SUBSCRIBER. Campbell Town, Oct.

1. To the Editor of the Australian am one of persecuted race pity my sorrows, and lend your powerful assistance to redress my wronge. The Dog Ant! I need say no more when I tell you that I belong to the species for whose sine -or at least for whose misfortune -this Act has been framed. I am en emigrant--not, like Humanitas, of 1832-but of 1824; consequently I am well stricken in years--a very old as well as very sad dog; but to the point, though I am not a pointer, but 8-yes-a mongrel; the fact is, my mother, who was of one of the best families in the South of England, and who could boast of her sixteen quarcarings without a stain, as proudly as and perhaps more truly than the Moutmorencies-my mother made an imprudent match; for a long period she struggled against her a antachment-calling by turns, prudence, pride, and philosophy to her aid but who can resist fate! She eloped one morning from Goodwood and few into the arms of love and my father, who was well known in a village hard bye as the beat fighting dog in the country. have since heard my mother say that it was his far- famed character for bravery that first attracted her attention; she admired the profession of arme, and, in the spirit of Desdemona, loved him for the dangers he had past." But ware lark'-I am running off the scent; it was necessary perhaps to reveal the secret of my birth, lest you should with the unthinking exclusiveness of the world in general, be little inclined to patronise one of obscure birth; of which unjust treatment I trust I shall never find it necessary, SO far as you are concerned, to complain.

(o When landed in 1824. was very young-and being attached to H. M. Regiment, it was not to be wandered at that I was something of a poppy but sure, never SO happy- jolly dog was good looking (of my kind) roamed through the town like child al feast, as Moore fought my battles, killed my cats, was too fat to be mangy; many susceptible heart beat, many an admiring glance was given when left Mars for Venus; as for my rivals, I drove all the sons of my people before me. But life is a mingled yarn of good and evil; those were Halcyon days; the Dug Act cane out; I could scarcely believe my ears when I heard it, and even when too fatally certain of the fact, the noble blood of my mother beat in my heart 100 proudly to allow me to believe that it was meant for animals of my appearance; a month or two elapsed, and I began to think the stables a very despicable set of fellows, when passing up York-street one afternoon, pouring soft nonsense into a poodle's ear, violent but ill -directed blow cut short one of the most languishing speeches ever composed, and- -very nearly -myself at the time recovered however before the blow could be repeated, and fed -curiosity however tempted me to look back when safe inside the Barrack Gates, when -oh horrible, recollection! saw the murderous bludgeon descend upon the head of my beloved! She gave one faint bark ('twas she murmured) and died howled for the three next nights incesSantly.

However necessity has no law; I bowed, like a working bullock (an animal perfectly despise) my neck to the collar, and once more walked the streets in safety. I fear this part of my letter is scarcely legible--my tears! The new Dog Act, for the old one which killed so many of my race has itself alar expired -the new Act bas left me nothing to live for: the liberty of the subject is an empty name--the privelege of Britons, freedom of speech, ravished from me-1 can't upen my -in short I'm muzzled. Now listen I'll run mad-and, so help me Diana, I'll no manage that it shall 1 when His Excellency the Governor some of the Members of the Legislative Councilor at least the Clerk of Council-are come-at-able; shan't stop to whether they've collars on--they are fond of protesting of late, let them try that with me-like King Lear, ru kill, kill, kill, kill, kill." Perhaps, Sir. you think this all bouncethat 4 my bark is worse than my you believe it; who is to unmuzzle me when I am hungry! Who, when under the burning rays of the noon sun I am parched with thirst Why it was only yesterday that a young friend of mine from Newfoundland just managed to crawl to my lodging almost dying he had been two days without a mouthful to eat or drink, his master taving gone into the country on a visit, and it being no body's business to see to it: and how many such or similar cases of negligence must certainly occur in the course of the approaching summer But it is of no use growling. One word at parting perhaps you don't know what mad dog is -don't you-an uncle of mine ran mad some years ago (I've heard my poor, father tell the story) and bit his master's child- -then two of the neighbors--then few cows and horsesthen the Squire of the Parish they all ran as mad as the hares my mother used to point at so cleverly in March before she took up with my father--and they all died.

Pray excuse this long whine, and de not think it is meant disrespectfully to yourself; know how to behave, though I'm not perhaps quite so well-bred as some of my neighbours. Yours, TOUZER. Deatts. On Friday evening, 2d October, at the Parsonage House, Parramatta, Mr- Maraden, Wife of the Reverend Samuel Marsdeh, Senior, Chaplain to the Colony, aged 05 years, regretted by her frmily and a larga circle of friende. On Sunday the 4th instant, Cecilia Boon the infant danghter of Sydney Stephen, aged 7 mon his.

Her death was occasioned by a fall on her head, which brought on inflammation of the brain and of the longe. She appeared in perfect health for which seven in daye, fourteen when the terminated inflammation her eppeared, days existence. The following are the Resolutions put and carried at' the first meeting of the Political Association, held at the Argyle Rooms on Thursday evening last (Sept. 23) Considering -That the people of Van Diemen's Lrnd, are not represented by she Legislative Council, consisting of fourteen individuals, seven of whom are Government Officers, the others nominated by the Governor, and appointed by the Crown, and nut single individual elected by the That the people have no confidenne in the Council: That the laws passed by the Council, are not for the benefit of the Colony, being in principle a constant assumption of power over the people on the one hand, and loss of constitutional liberty on the other: That the power of taxing the people not in the people themselves, by their Representatives: That the interest of the people cannot be consulted as it ought to be, so long as the present system of forming the Legislative Council exists That there is no medium between the people and the power that governs them" Therefore it is expedient, that a Political Association be formed, for all purposes not forbidden by Law, until the Elective Franchise be obtained by the people of Van Diemen's Land That the Association consist of free British subj. ets, and that the object of the Association be to watch over and support the interests of the Colouiste, and that such persons as are present who may be willing to join the Association, register their names on the roll, attaching to their signatures the amount each member may please 1 fo subscribe for the furtherance of the object ot the Association; and that no Member be allowed to subscribe more than one shilling weekly.

That the Members pledge themselves (o assist the Colonial Authoritics in enforcing British Laws and administering British Justice: and that the Colouists being in no wise represented in the Legislature, this Association (as far as it is ticable) represent the Colonists to the Local Government." That there be appointed twelve Chairmen, a Treasurer, en Honorary and a Suipendiery Sub Secretary, and that every officer, shall be chosen by ballot at the fret General Meeting to be held on Monday, the 3rd of That Mr. Henry Melville be solicited to perform the duties of Secretary pro tempore: that Mr. Charles Toby be solicited to perform the duties of Sub-Secretary and that Mr. Joseph Lester be appointed to perform the duties of Treasurer, until the first General Meeting. That the Sub- Secretary he authorised to enter on the record the complaints of member of the Association; that the any chairman shall decide the merits thereof, and if thought proper, shall bring.

such complaint forward at the following General Meeting." That the Association call upon the Co. lonists in each District, to aid and assist the Institution by becoming Members and tributing to the funds." Married, 1 Clifton, near Bristol, the Rev. Henry Gray, of Almondsbury, fourth son of the late Bishop of Bristol, to the lion. Emilie Caroline Pery, third daughter of the late Viscount Glentworth, granddaughter of the Earl of Limerick, and niece of the Right Hon. Thomas Spring Rice, Chancellor of the Exchequer.

SALES BY AUCTION. BURWOOD VILLAGE: THE VILLAGE OF BURWOOD. In consequence of the very great competition anticipated in the Sale of FOURTEEN ALLOTMENTS IN At the London Tavern, on Tuesday, the with Octobe ensuing, agreeably to former Advertisem*nts, MR. A. POLACK, WITH a view friends.

to and meet the Public wishes of generaly, bin Patrons begs to announce, that immediately after the above Sale. be will submit to the hammer, and knock down to the highest bidder, Eight Spacious Allotments within three hundred yards of Powell's Bridge. On the Parramatta Road. Four of these bave Frontage of 60 feet ench to the Sydney main Rond by depths 150 feet the residue are similar dimensions, and are situate in that truly beautiful and picturesque cleared spot strongly approximating to Park Scenery in England, which has been the admiration of Travellers for series of years past: the quality of the L.and is rich, which the contiguous newly formed Gardens and Orchards of Mesare. Roberts, Crampton, Sarson, and Others, will fully prove.

These Plots have the privilege of a reserved Road in the rear leading to the Fresh in Powell's Creek. Such another opportunity for the possession of truly enviable ENGLISH SPOT, Mr. Polack is fully confident will not again present itself, therefore he strongly recommends these Allotments to Public Notice. Terms of 20 per Cent. Cash Deposit on the fall of the Ham.

mer for the residue, approved Bills at 3 and 6 months date, with security upon the Property af required. Purchasers to pay, their own conveyances. The Surrevor's Plan lies for inspection at Mr. Polack's Auction and Commission Rooms. Handsome Cottage situate in the most salubrious part of Sydney, THE SOUTH-HEAD-ROAD, AND AN Allotment of Land Adjoining.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ate Samuel On Friday, the 9th of October, at Ten o'Clock precisely, on the Ground, THIS most desirable Property is delightfully situated in that much admired part of the Town, the South Head Road, which for beauty of scenery and healthiness of atmosphere, is truly unequalled. The bigh respectability of the neigh. bourhood and its retired situntion ought alone to draw the attention of the publie to this unique Dwelling, bat a ronger recommendation is afforded by the rapid increase of handsome Buildings in the neighbourhood, and those now erecting. proving the high estimation in which it is held by the public, and its peculiar eligibility for a private residence. The Cottage has been completed after elegant design without the least regard to expense.

It contains 3 rooms, kitohen, and cellar, provided with every convenience that can he required in a dwelling fit fo: the reception of a family of the highest respeotability. It has the advantage of a prieste rond, leading to the South Head Rond bounding the Cottage and extensive ground in the rear on one side, and dividing ie from the other allotment, which bus 25 feet frontage, by depth exceeding 65 feet, conatituting the Lot that will be offered to Public Competition. There in a Well of excellent Water on the private road, to which the proprietors of each allotment will have an equal right of access. Title unexceptionable. Terms--Ten per cent Cash Deposit; the residue by Approved Bills at 3 and 6 montha.

bearing 10 per cent interest per annum, with security upon the property if required. Purchasers to pay their own conreyances, and expence of security. A Plan and elevation of the Cottage and Allotmeat may be seen at the Auctioneer's. VALUABLE COTTAGE IN ELIZABETH STREET TO BE SOLD BY -AUCTION, By Mr. Samuef Lyons.

On Monday, the 19th Instant, at 11 o'Clock precisely. on the Praises, A NEAT beth-street, COTTAGE, North, within situated two Doors in of Eliza- the Residence of George Allen, having a frontage of 48 feet by a depth of 89 feet. TI RMS- -Fitteen per Cent. Cash Deposit, the Residue by approved Bills at 3.6. and 9 Months, with Security upon the Property, if required.

Parchaser to pay his own Conveyance and Ex. pense of Security, Farther particulars will be published in a future. Advertisem*nt. SALES BY AUCTION. Lower George street, Ahds.

TAYLOR'S Double Brown Stout, warranted sound sad in exCellent condition Twenty-five cases Pickles Tea curtifeates Gin Seventy dosen Mustard Twenty drums Figs Three cases London Hats Two cases Cloth Caps Two asses Dunstable and other Bonnets Two cases English Boots Shoes Twenty-two dozen white Shirts Que bale Duck Frocks and Trowaers Tweuty -four hoxes Maccaroni and Vermicelli Forty About boxes Tons, English Soap, two more less, Manilla Sugar Sixteen dozen Blacking Brushes Six Bolts Canvas Twenty cases Sweet Oil Nineteen Packages Crome Yellow Iron Bedstaads Britannia Aletal Tea Pots Pit Saws Iron Presses And a variety of Articles to close various menta. 13- All purchasers above £30 three Months, under that amount CASIl. N. B. Samples of Porter and Gia can be previous to Sale.

To Drapers, Dealers, and Others. Close various Consignments. TO PUBLICANS, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. FOR SALE BY AUCTION, By Mr. A.

Polack, WITHOUT RESERVE. -morrow, at 11 o'Clock precisely, at his Rooms, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION By Mr. S. Lyons. On Saturday me st, the 10th Instant, at his Roome, George -street, at 11 ONE BALE bleached SHIRTING One ditto White Duck One Case Haberdashery, consisting of Linen and Cotton Tape, Men and Boys' Chintz, Cotton and Worsted Braces, Elastic ditto with Pullies, White, Black, and colored Bobbin, Cotton Worsted and Silk Laces, Pins, Needles, Cost biuding, Cotton and Beaverteen Jackets Beaverteen ond Fustian Trowsers White, Grey, and fancy Drill ditto Jean and Quilting Vesta, with a Variety of other Terms made lerchanditime of Sale.

About Eighteen Hundred fine Woolled Ewes and Wethers, FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Rigour of the Law. By Mr. S. Lyons, A BOUT 450 Lambs year old Ewes, with From 450 600 two year old Ewes, with Lambs From 300 to 430 one-and-a-balf year old Ewes ready to put to the Ram From 400 to 500 Wethers. TERMS-CASH.

Under the Patronage of His Honor the Chief Justice Forbes. ROYAL SYDNEY. R. PEAT BEGS fixed to for announce THURSDAY, that his October 8th, BENEFIT when will be performed for the fret and only time at this Theatre, the Romantic Drama of the MAID OF GENOA OR THE MOUNTAIN DEVIL. Sulleta the Dumb Girl Taria AFTER WHICH A Variety of Entertainments.

The whole to conclude with the celebrated Farce in two Acts, called. the GREEN- -EYED MONSTER. Tickets to be had of Mr. Ellard, HunterMr. Berner, Royal Hotel; Mr.

Moss. Office of the Theatre: Mr. Pest's residence, No. 6. Dalton's Building, Prince-street.

R. BROWNLOW CO. ON SALE at their STORE in George Street, Old JAMAICA NUM, in and out of Bond Real Conine Brandy Genera GIN, in cases very superior Ditto ditto in Stone Bottles Hest Hollands on draught Old Scotch Whisker Old Irish Ditto, with their usual Stock of PORT in Wood and Bottle Pale Sherry ditto ditto Brown ditto ditto pitto ditto Constantia ditto South African Company's Cape Madeira in pipes, halves and quarters CHAMPAIGNE. Sparkling Burgundy CLARET HERMITAGE MADEIRA Dunbar's beat Bottled ALE and PORTER Hobson's ditto ditto Taylor's best Porter in hogsheads Dantzie Spruce Rum Shrub CLOVES Peppermint English White Wine Vinegar English Yellow Soap Refined Sugar Chinsurah Cigars TOBACCO, The very extensive Patronage conferred on BROWNLOW Co. is a sufficient testimonial (if wanting) of the quality of their Goods, and they pledge themselves, it shail be their pride to sustain the character they have acquired for Articles of a superior description, especially in she Wine and Spirit Trade.

Sydney, October 4, 1835. TWO POUNDS REWARD AND EXPENSES. STOLEN OR STRAYED. AT BLACK PARRAMATTA HORSE, on marked the on 2d the instant, of side under the mane. IM, Star and Snip, about 15 hands high.

and nged, Sqanto Tall Bridle and Saddle. Whoever will bring the above described Horse to Vir. Charles Crowder, at the Talbot Inn, (the Owner,) will receive Reward of TIrO POUNDS. and all Reasonable Expenses paid. 15- If found in the possession of any l'erson after this Notice, they will be prosecuted with the utmost 41.

THE CARGO OF THE BARQUE GOUDIE," SE I RMINGH HAM. STAPPORDSHIRE, LONDON AND WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL WAREHOUSE, LOWER GEORGE-STREET, SYDNEY. LEVICK AND YOUNGER ARE now opening an Extensive and Elegant Assortment of GOODS, selected expressly for the Colony, by J. LEVICK. For quality of Articles, which constitute its cheapness, their Establishment will be found to stand unrivalled in the Colony.

To enumerate the advantages which partics must' derive in selecting Supplies from so varied a Stock, embracing Articles both useful and ornamental to the House-keeper, Agriculturist, and others, would be doubting their own good sense, The following are a few of the Articles now received PLATED. WARE. Best Shedeld plated silver-edge ten sots, cruet, and liquor frames, soy and egg standa, table, and chamber cundiesticks, British plate and plated on steel table and dessert spoons and forks, tes spoons, gravy, egg, mustard, and salt ditto. GLASS. Superb cut claret jugs, quart and pint decanters, water carofte and tumblera.

bock decanters. champagne, bock, claret, and wine glasses, tum biers, butter tuba, juge, suits, jelly dishes CHINA AND EARTHENWARE. Elegant full ten and breakfast services, evening and breakfast seta, full double seta, with hot water dishes and plat-s, and dessert service to match.Selection can be made from upwards of one dred patterns. LOOKING GLASSES. Gilt, pier, and chimney glasses, handsome bible box, tray, swing, and shaving ditto, common gilt red frame sud slide of every description.

CUTLERY. Ivory balance handle knires and forks, in seta and dozens; middling and common in great variety scissors, penknives, and large assortment of pocket knives, coneisting of sporting, garden, shepherds, French lock and other knives, razore, and strops, IRONMONGERY, HARDWARE, Sc. Iron rim. drawback, dead, stock, rabitted and straight mortice locks, with brass and ebony handles; locks, bolts, hinges, screws, drawing knives. rules, chisels, sugere, pit, cross-cut, and hand saws and flea smiths' rubbers, rasps, patent gimblate; butchers' knives, steels and cleavers; ship scrapers.

adses, bung borers; garden spuds and reels; sash pullies, door chains, rising butte; 'mortice latches and locks for French windows; kitchen ranges and fire irons for ditto; iron and brass circolar door springs and knockers; bedecrews, pick. exes, spades, shovels, boss, spokeshaves, Sadirone, Italian trous, LEVICK'S celebrated WHEAT MILLS. with multiplying and fly wheels of sizes grocers' ooffee and pepper mille, of superior quality. ASSORTED IRON. Round, fat, and square; nail rod, all boiler plate, and sheet iron nails, fresh supply; lath, shingle, batten, rafter, and spike nails; Booring brade, and paling nails, expressly this Colony, being highly approved of.

Smithe' anvila, common and warranted bellows. ryces, rubbers, hammers, CULINARY UTENSILS. Digesters, saucepans, round and oral boilers, fish, gridirons, fryingpans, bottle jacks, ladles, spoons, gravy strainers tormentor teakettles, coal bods sad scoops, slop pails, boilers, with tape, de, WEIGHING MACHINES. Wool scales, counter and large weighing machines, scales and beams, patent improved balances. steelyards, brass and iron BEST VAN DIEMEN'S LAND FINE FLOUR.

ON LOW SALE and at the George-street, STORES of by BROWN. or Beg, at £30 per Ton. Sydney, 5th October, $835. CABINET FURNITURE. A N.

enosisting extenaive Sofas, Tables, Chairs, of the Side above, boards. Work Tables, Flower Stands, in Mahogany and Rosewood. of the very best English manufacture. ALSO, variety of Chimney and Toilet Glasses, just landed from the Alecia, and on Sale at W. H.

TYRER'S. 81, George-street, tree deers from the Pest of 1 NEW MUSIC. U. PYRER AS just received lest arrival an excellent sel-etion of MUSIC, consisting of Overtures, Quadrilles, Duette, Songs, from the celebrated Operas of Lestocq, or, the Fete of the Hermitage; ited Mask, or the Council of Three Nourjahad: Gustavas the 3d, or the Mask Bail Mountain Sylph, and Le aux Cleres. ALSO.

Several PIANO- -FORTES MId GUITARS. w. H. T. has also on sale, an assortment ef Vio.

lin, Piano forte, and Guitar Strings. NORFOLK CHEVALIER 8829 BARLEY. THE small quantity Undersigned of the have above. just received condiin sound tien-and being of a very early description, and peculiarly adapted for Malving, they are desirous to dispose of the same to Grawers on advantageous terms. An early application is requested.

NEW TOOTH. Kent Brewery, 3d October, 1633. Iron wire, assorted sizes; Brass and iron wire sieves, rat and mouse traps, corkdrawers, stable lanthorns, band dit wire luttice, An elegant assortment of iron bedsteade, with brass and other mountings. Farm yard bells, mounted; improved abeep bella bell cranks, wire pulls and epringe. few puire of brass poles with rings and ends.

Double and single barrel Lint and percussion guus. keys, wad panches, shot belts, and powder flasks, pistols anitable for draymen, bullet moulda, de tripple patuat and common percussion caps, dints, SADDLERY. Gentlemen's, ladies', and stockmen's saddles, bridles, whips, steel, plated, box, heel, and tinned spure, horse nets and cape, complete; hames, gig bitte. thongs, silk leches, and points, mullin bite, listed stirrups, soulles, curb books, breaking bitta, saddle naile, tinned and japanned buckles, of gig furniture, costing guages, roller and girth diaper, and cotton belt web, horse tides, calf skins, patent basils, blue sud white checks, Serges, du. BRUSHES.

flair, crumb, cloth tooth, nail, hat, bannister, hearth shoe, borse, white-wash, scrubbing. spoke and paint brushes, hair and carpet brooms, mops, Chaine assorted. A few kedge anchors. Papier mache and japanned tea trays, bread baskets and waiters, dish covers, tureens, spice boxes, ash boxes, with pateat locke, nursery fenders, and fire guarde. Bronzed ten and coffee urns and filterers, card racke, paper weights, thermometers, miniature frames, inkstands, Lou Cologne, and watch stande, belle, lustres, egg boilers, Best Britannia metal tea sets, with plated knoba, sorted patterns; tea pots, percolatare, candlesticks inkstands, ladles, spoons, and with cups.

Suspending lamps und shades, balance ball, complete; table, ball, cabin, bracket, sideboard and chamber lamps. Jewellery and of gilt ware buckles, gold ear rings, gilt tops and drops, seals, keye. snape, glove tias, brooches, Gentlemen's bracelets, scent boitles, watch guards, ke. dressing cases and writing desks and portable ditto, ladies' work tosas, tunbridge boxes, pope joan, and cribbage boarde, flutes, octaves, files, Pins, needles, buttons, braces, blue, bath bricks. CROCKERY.

Assorted pattern soup and. sauce tureens, vegetable dishes, bash dishes, dinner plates and dishes. pucding, cheese and soup plates, earthenware full breakfast and ten sets, complete; breakfast seta only; a large assortment of juga, basons, cups and saucers, peppers, salta, and mustarda, climber services. owers, and basins, in quantities to suit families. Glass and earthenware also in packages assorted, suitable for shopkeepers and dealers, and a great variety of other articles.

A -Daily expected. further Articles, which will duly notified ea af rival. ON SAL 2 0 AT THE 7 ORES OF THE UNDERSIGNED. MAIZE FOR SEED WILSON Wilson's Wharf. 5th October, 1855.

MAITLAND STORES. MR. above SULLIVAN having purchased be the wishes to acquaint Friends and the lublic, that will open with numerous A of Stops, Haberdashery, too numerous to mention in the present AdvertiseHosiery, and a general Assortment of her Goods, ment. October 3. 1833.

ADVERTIsem*nT. THE Undersigned begs to notify that has on Sale at his Stores (now Gret opened) assortment of Select Wines. The Stock the customary additions of Ale, Porter, and superior quality. Private Families be with any quantity, not less then Two Gallons Spirits, or one Dozen of Wine. W.

P. WILSHIRE. Brick held till. George Street South. That Champion of the Australion Turf BEN NELO LONG.

ILl. stand at the Proprictor's Tannery, rare excellence of than bighly celebrated animal being so well known, comment is deemed unnecessary, further to sty he possesses the much sought after combi. nation, speed, bloed, bottom, bone, and beauty, end is admirably adapted for getting superior stock. TERMS -TwO Guineas -no Groomage be paid on or before the lat January, 1830..

The Australian from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.